On Monday, Gopal Rai, Environment Minister, announced that the government would institute an odd-even vehicle rationing system if the Delhi Air Quality Index (AQI), a measure of air quality, exceeds severe levels (450 or higher) after Diwali.
TrendsMyth reported that most of the firecrackers that exploded for Diwali celebrations on Sunday evening came from Uttar Pradesh, as there is no ban on firecrackers there or in Haryana – otherwise, this incident would never have taken place, said Rai. Additionally, all three states’ police forces are controlled by the BJP in all three cases: “… including Delhi”.
On Sunday night, PM10 and PM2.5 levels spiked across several parts of Delhi after firecrackers were set off, violating the ban.
Delhi’s 24-hour average Air Quality Index rating went from being in the ‘Poor Category’ at 11 am on Sunday to reaching very Poor Category levels by 10 am Monday, further worsening before finally going to a severe category on Tuesday morning.
Delhi Air Quality Index Drops After Diwali; Forecasts Predict Further Decline In The Coming Days
Forecasts predict air quality will worsen and reach “severe” status by Tuesday. Delhi’s 24-hour air quality index at noon on Monday had dropped significantly since 11 am Sunday to reach 322. This represents an impoverished reading, according to the Central Pollution Control Board.
Air quality will likely worsen this week with calm weather and low wind speeds returning to Delhi, leading to another decrease in minimum temperatures.
Delhi Is The World’s Worst Polluted City A Day After Diwali; Kolkata And Mumbai Are In The Top 10
Swiss group IQAir named Delhi as one of the 100 major polluted cities worldwide on Monday. They measure air quality by measuring PM2.5 levels in 100 major cities around the globe.
As per IQAir, as of 10 am, India’s capital city, Delhi, was classified with an Air Quality Index (AQI) score of 433 and therefore classified as hazardous air quality. Lahore in Pakistan came in second with an AQI score of 384.
Delhi Very Poor’ After Diwali, PM Levels Spiked Due To Crackers
As firecrackers were set off illegally on Sunday night, PM10 and PM2.5 levels rose across many city areas.
Some stations experienced 15-16 times higher PM10 concentration levels than the 24-hour standard, including Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, where PM10 levels reached 1632 ug/m3 when 100 ug/m3 is standard for 24 hours.
According to data from the Delhi Pollution Control Committee, it went over 1000 ug/m3 between 11 pm and 4 am before declining significantly by 8 am on Monday to 467 ug/m3.
Hourly PM2.5 concentrations at Jawaharlal-Nehru Stadium over the weekend and Monday morning were more than 20 times above their 24-hour standard of 60 ug/m3. At 2 am on Monday, PM2.5 reached 1423 ug/m3, which should not exceed 60 ug/m3 over 24 hours. By 8 am Monday, it had dropped down to 383 ug/m3.
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