Prime Minister Narendra Modi unexpectedly stopped to visit Meera Manjhi during his Ayodhya visit on Saturday. While inaugurating various development projects ahead of the grand opening of Ram Temple on January 22, 2024, Meera was invited along for this event and Smriti Iraniani, Union Minister, shared a video showing PM Modi visiting Meera at her house – she informed that she is part of Ujjawala (10 Million Scheme).
Smriti Iraniani captioned her video “Affinity and Cordiality”. Smriti Iraniani captioned her video by stating that Meera benefited from the Ujjawala-10 Million Scheme. In contrast, Smriti Iraniani captioned it with “Affinity & Cordiality”.
Meera Manjhi claimed she did not expect Prime Minister Narendra Modi to visit her home until an hour before she was informed a politician was due. Meera said PM Modi came and spoke with her family, asking about Ujjawala benefits they receive and what preparations were made.
I informed him I had made rice, daal, vegetables and tea. He then requested another cup, saying this one is sweeter than others, and asked how she made hers; “I told him this is how I make mine,” Meera said.
On Saturday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated Ayodhya’s renovated railway station and flagged off six Vande Bharat and two Amrit Bharat trains before visiting Meera’s Manjhi’s house on his return before unveiling Maharshi Valmiki Airport and other projects.
Video posted by ANI shows Prime Minister Narendra Modi arriving at Meera’s house. When her family began touching his feet, PM Modi intervened by telling them not to touch his feet and said, “Please don’t do that”.
Do you know why I am here? Ten crore households have received gas cylinders. And I wanted to visit each family who brings up that total.” And this family was only found here,” Modi noted.
Meera said she was very glad to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi. She was delighted that she now had access to water and gas cooking – giving her more time with her kids while saving time.”
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