Krishna Janmashtami: A Day of Devotion

Shri Krishna Janmashtami is one of India’s most celebrated and widely observed festivals. They are also known as the Krishna Janmashtami festival. Ashtami Rohini. Shree Jayanti. Gokulashtami and Krishnashtami, Krishna is revered as one of its primary deities – an eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu who symbolizes protection, tenderness, joy, and love – making Krishna Janmashtami one of its signature festivals in India.

Hindus celebrate Krishna’s Birthday each year according to the lunisolar Hindu Calendar, and Krishna Janmashtami is usually held near the end or beginning of September according to the Gregorian Calendar. Krishna Janmashtami marks his role as the central figure of the Mahabharata and Bhagavad epics. The Sanskrit word Krishna means all-attractive; thus, the term Krishna Paksha refers to an adjective meaning dark. Both names can be understood to mean extremely attractive.

Why is Janmashtami Called Krishna Janma?

The number 8 symbolism its significance: Lord Krishna was the eighth incarnation of Vishnu and the eighth offspring born to Devaki Mata during Shravan month on August 8th of every Krishna Paksha cycle. When will Krishna Janmashtami in 2023 occur (DATE)? Krishna Janmashtami 2023 will take place on September 6th to commemorate Lord Krishna’s 5250th birthday.

Why Celebrate Krishna Janmashtami?

Lord Krishna is one of the primary Hindu deities. Krishna Janmashtami commemorates his birthday – marking his life and legacy and celebrating his birth. Celebrate his kindness, righteousness, and quick-witted nature known from ancient holy scriptures as Lord Krishna is one of their characters.

Puranas include the Bhagavad Gita, Mahabharata, and Bhagavata Puranas. Lord Krishna can be found throughout India. Worship of Lord Krishna can be found in virtually every home. Lord Krishna’s followers celebrate Krishna Janmashtami together with other Vaishnavas.

Lord Krishna is their primary deity of worship and a source of great happiness and excitement. Devotees light an idol after midnight before dressing the baby Krishna in new clothes after bathing and placing him into a cradle afterward. Devotees sing songs of devotion for Lord Krishna, especially his newborn and beautiful child Krishna.

With joy and offering sweets, flowers, and flower garlands to their Lord Krishna as offerings of joyous praises will be presented before welcoming Him home with open arms and tiny footprints painted on their front doors as an offering to bring Krishna closer. Some devotees even create little prints painted in front of their homes as a welcome sign for His entry into the houses of His followers. Devotees break bread as offerings to Krishna.

As Lord Krishna had offered sweets and fruit as prasad, these gifts were shared among everyone at his birthday celebrations, known as Krishna Janmashtami. Vaishnavas in India honor this event with great reverence.

Lord Krishna’s Story

Our ancient stories are distinct in that they did not occur at a specific home and time; for instance, The Ramayana is an anthology of stories that came about over an extended period. Mahabharata wasn’t just an ancient event. We live in an age where these events continue to play out today, just as Devaki, Krishna’s mother, represents all women in this tale. Her birth story bears excellent symbolic importance. Nonetheless, Devaki remains an influential figure today – look at all her recent press coverage for Devaki.

Vasudev, or vitality, is at the core. Ananda emerges when Prana escapes the body; Shri Krishna represents Ananda, but his ego still exists despite an attempt at destruction by Kamsa’s brother Devaki, who shows how both soul and body exist simultaneously. Sad and emotionally wounded people tend to cause more relationship problems than happy people.

People often cause harm or create barriers for others when mistreated – acting out in response can sometimes even be a reactionary response by those mistreated. You could be unjust towards others if you mistreat yourself as well. Happiness is the ego’s greatest enemy; the latter cannot thrive in an atmosphere of joy and love.

Bow Your Head High social standing individuals must bow before their children as a mark of respect for those less fortunate – no one should leave an injured child unattended. No matter how strong someone may be when faced with love, they will feel helpless. Simplicity is the ideal response when facing this emotion – Lord Krishna represents pure happiness as his source is love.

Kamsa’s imprisonment by Devaki Vasudeva shows how one’s body can become a prison when becoming more self-centered. All the correctional officers fell asleep upon Lord Krishna’s birth – as their mission is to safeguard your senses. As it awakens, it becomes externalized; internal feelings of happiness manifest when this connection is made. Shri Krishna is commonly known as Makhanchor; the curd is the refined version of milk essential to nutrition, while butter forms when stirred up with it.

Not heavy but light and nourishing. Our intelligence becomes butter when stirred, leading to greater self-awareness and less disappointment from things and behaviors. Makhanchor represents Allah’s glory. Lord Krishna’s Love His charm and talent can capture even the shyest individuals’ attention, captivating even them without them even realizing it.

What Does It Mean That Lord Krishna Had Peacock Feathers In His Hair?

Kings bear responsibility for their subjects through their crowns, while Lord Krishna assumes these obligations. Shri Krishna performed all his tasks effortlessly and took great joy in caring for his children like any mother would do – without ever feeling burdened by them. Responsibility is lightweight peacock feathers with different hues to remind him to remain vigilant.

Lord Krishna represents that beautiful and joyful stream within each one of us. Without worries, irritations, or desires arising, that stream can only become genuinely charming and happy. Only by relaxing the mind can deep relaxation be attained – and thus Krishna can only come into being through deep relaxation.

Lord Krishna Timeline


Krishna was born to Devaki Vasudeva and the Yadava clan in Mathura. Her brother Kamsa heard of Devaki at her wedding ceremony. Puranic myth states that at this point, he knew about her story. Fortune-teller Akashwani prophesied that Devaki’s child, Krishna, would kill Devaki; sometimes taken as Akashwani proclaiming Kamsa’s demise; Kamsa had intended on killing Devaki and her entire family before Krishna’s conception, thus changing Kamsa’s plans and saving Devaki from Kamsa’s program of assassination.

According to reports, Vasudeva exchanged Baby Krishna after secretly crossing the Yamuna River and trading with him. According to Panagia legend, when Kamsa attempted to kill Krishna at birth, Yogmaya warned him of her coming death and warned of its effect on his kingdom before disappearing altogether. 

Nanda and Yasuda then raised Krishna in Mathura before passing on to Lord Vishnu for spiritual instruction and training. Balarama and Subhadra left lasting legacies within these legends, along with Krishna himself. Krishna Janmashtami marks the day when Krishna was born.

Childhood and Adolescence

Krishna’s early legend describes him as an impish cowherd with an affinity for mischief, earning the moniker Makhan Chor (Butter Thief). This would eventually make him his name of protector-thieves. Gokul and Vrindavan’s people had great affection for Krishna; for instance, according to textual accounts, he raised Govardhan Mountain as protection for Vrindavan residents from Gokul residents.

Floods and torrential rainfall have devastated Vrindavan. Radha, commonly portrayed as the milkmaid of Vrindavan, has other legends depicting her as a playful lover and magician of gopis. Rasa Lila is a tale of love between gods. Jayadeva, the author of Gita Govinda, romanticized. Krishna was one of his primary subjects in Gita Govinda and considered Radha Krishna’s integral parts. This tradition eventually developed into Krishna Bhakti, worshipping Radha Krishna. 

At the same time, his childhood is an ideal example of Lila in Hindu philosophy, where playing for fun should not be seen as work. Are they playing for fun or profit? Take this interaction between Krishna and the gopis during Rasa ball or Rasa Lila. Once Krishna plays his flute, gopis come forward immediately – even from as far away as India. 

On Yamuna River, where they sing and dance – and you could join in. Meditation is the key to attaining this. Meditation connects you with gopis and the spiritual essence of the universe, which is illustrated by an impermanent body and its Prakriti.


Krishna was an iconic character renowned for his nature and life. Returning to Mathura, Krishna killed Kamsa when he tried to stop an assassination attempt against Ugrasena (Kamsa’s father). Ugrasena himself had also killed Kamsa before him but did not succeed due to Krishna killing Kamsa instead of Ugrasena.

Shanta Rao provides his version of the Krishna legend after Kamsa’s death: Following Pandawa as leader, Krishna led Yadavas into Dwaraka, later becoming its governor and later making friends with Arjuna (and Arjuna’s son Arjuna), Arjuna’s son Arjuna and other individuals living there.

Krishna, one of the principal characters from Mahabharata, was one of eight wives described by Bhagavata Purana: Rukmini, Satyabhama (also referred to by Satya), Jambavati Kalindi, Mitravinda Nagnajiti Bhadra and Lakshmana. Vaishnava texts state that Krishna (also called Madra) appears with eight women representing different aspects of himself, known as his gopis or wives. Vaishnava scripture says these spiritual beings love everyone who devotes themselves to him.

Radha is Krishna’s most frequent manifestation in Hindu mythology and is considered an embodiment of him in tradition. Goddess Lakshmi is Vishnu’s consort, while gopis can be interpreted as manifestations of either Lakshmi, Radha, or both.

The Bhagavad Gita and the Kurukshetra War

According to Mahabharata’s epic tales, Krishna guided Arjuna during the Kurukshetra War but only under one condition: he would personally forgo using any weapons against their adversary on the battlefield. He saw their enemy first-hand.

Arjuna was moved. Krishna counsels Arjuna on how his heart could change: rather than killing and fighting them, he would give up his kingdom to end Gandiv (Arjuna’s bow). Krishna advised anyone facing an internal conflict between good and evil forces in themselves or around them.

Ethics and morality, the impermanence and eternity of soul, duty, and sound, and yoga practice are essential in attaining peace and happiness, with responsibility being the cornerstone. Yoga offers us an excellent means of achieving this state.

Death and Ascension

According to Indian literature, the Kurukshetra War resulted in the deaths of 100 sons belonging to Gandhari. After Duryodhana died and Gandhari and Dhritarashtra visited Kurukshetra, Krishna approached Gandhari to offer condolences. Stree Parva contains information on how one may express sympathy; Krishna did not wish for war to end and continued trying to resolve differences without ending it immediately.

Gandhari expressed her displeasure at Govinda’s lack of concern for Kurus or Pandavas, who killed each other, yet you will be the murderer. My relatives live amongst you. “According to Mahabharata, Yadawa people fought during a festival before eventually killing each other; Jara, an experienced hunter, was hired as their hunter and finally shot all their enemies dead.

Jara thought Krishna was a deer and shot an arrow into him, wounding and killing him. Yet Krishna forgave him before finally dying at Bhalka in Gujarat, where there is now a pilgrimage (tirtha). This site marks where it is said he lived. According to Chapter 31 of Volume 11, Bhagavata Purana, Krishna died due to his yoga practices. As per Chapter 31, Brahma, Indra, and other gods could welcome him home in paradise. Please do not follow in Krishna’s footsteps when he returns home after leaving human form.

Lord Krishna Principle

(Prince Krishna of Prince Krishna), will celebrate Krishna Janmashtami 2023 at 6 PM today and has provided us with all the relevant details, from the date, puja vidhi, and the important story to the Tithi and Gokulashtami celebration. Birth of Lord Krishna – Discovering True Joy and Happiness and L…

A sense of openness is elevated when our hearts open wide, allowing love to flow from them both ways. Safety becomes inevitable when our hearts open entirely – no need to pretend otherwise. We are free to be ourselves without forcing others into molds of who we think they should be, thus accepting all people with open arms and giving them space. God loves and agrees with all, which forms Maha-raas on blooming meadows.

Madhuvan refers to the banks of the Yamuna River. Maha-raas represents Vishnu Krishna playing his flute among dancing milkmaids – it signifies an atmosphere of spontaneity where no formal relationships exist between people or objects in this space.

Krishna has an unwavering admiration for milkmaids, yet his feelings don’t abide by social conventions or result from simple emotions that lack motivation and are, therefore, nonexistent. He will dance alongside us if she genuinely loves him and makes us feel loved – no matter when. Krishna vanished after these women became possessive of him and refused to share him with anyone else, imploring Sunrise as soon as they realized it. Soon after he forgave Madhuvan, Krishna danced the Maha-Raas at night in the forest away from home.

Women feel secure in Krishna’s presence; they don’t fear him and trust his guidance and leadership. Love triumphed over force in the jungle when Krishna played his flute; women weren’t intimidated by even the weakest or least suitable candidates and could sing and dance joyfully together.

Waves of beauty and love envelop all this. Krishna is an irresistibly captivating force that attracts our minds in times of difficulty. He created our world as an idyllic garden rather than a battleground, leading us to Madhuvan, where he awaits. We found him there.

The cowherd of the Bhagavad Gita captured our hearts, awakening a desire for celebration. Mind and senses become stimulated, while our hearts become affectionate for this ancient text. We were fooled into listening to his music and taking seats in his Maha Raas. According to Rigveda, desire creates; Brahma emerged from Vishnu’s lotus because his spiritual world (Narayana) yearned to know itself and comprehend its essence.

At the core of it all lies desire: an ever-present force that gives life and meaning to our world. Without passion, Shiva cannot open her eyes and perceive Prakriti in all her glory; she would also fail to recognize Maya (her sister goddess). Without Kama (desire), however, nothing exists.

Purusha cannot exist without Brahamanda; without subjective reality, there can be no direct experience of nature from human observers and no Purusha. Breaking apart these metaphysical realities often represents destruction. Kama incites life, while Yama ignites death, ensuring both exist only temporarily in our world. Kama awakens senses and transforms Brahma, while Yama ensures Karma remains balanced by rewarding all actions taken by its participants.

Vishnu’s image includes symbols representing Kama, Yama, and Gada. Vishnu also bears four marks in his hands that represent Kama, Yama, and Gada: Shankar (conch), Chakra, Gada, and Padma (lotus). Gada demands discipline, while Padma symbolizes joy, and Shankar and Padma represent communication between two beings.

Water symbolizes life and love, thus its association with Kama. Chakra and Gada represent fire; these elements honor natural rhythms and cultural rules that support them and are associated with Kama. Yama and Kama work in harmony, offering protection for life and helping individuals discover themselves. Through Vedic knowledge, people are freed of animals that restrict growth while developing spiritually; faith can help overcome fear. We should give in to the belief that everything will work out fine.

Purusha (or Purushas in Hindu terminology) refers to spiritual realities outside our natural environments. Shiva can be understood to symbolize “Sham Mangalam Karoti it Shiva,” which translates as creating auspicious objects or performing auspicious deeds. At the same time, Krishna refers to these same qualities through “Aakarshanam Iti Krishna.”

It is the meaning of Attract. It is essential to invoke Lord Krishna or Shiva’s state of consciousness rather than their physical forms, which are only symbolic representations of them. When we worship Krishna, we ask him for his blessings and seek the awareness we need; his energy field offers that opportunity: surrender yourself.

Krishna Janmashtami Story

The ancient Holy Scriptures portray Krishna Janmashtami as the celebration commemorating his birth. An exciting and unexpected event took place long ago when Kamsa, an evil king named after himself in ancient India, took control of his kingdom through deception by forcibly usurping Ugrasen’s position — his honorable predecessor who held onto it with honor until Ugrasen passed away peacefully. He forced Ugrasen into abdicating due to his schemes. Consequently, Ugrasen found himself on the throne despite all odds.

King Kamsa and other demon kings began to torment Mother Earth until she finally took action to end it all, taking on the form of a calf and approaching Lord Brahma for help. Mother Earth told Lord Brahma of her situation and implored Him for assistance.

Lord Brahma reached out to Lord Vishnu for assistance. Upon hearing Mother Earth’s suffering, Lord Vishnu told her He would end Kamsa’s reign by becoming Lord Krishna and ending Kamsa’s rule as Kamsa King. To expand his power and kingdom further, Kamsa also married off his daughter as Queen Kamsa did.

Devaki plotted against Vasudeva of Yadu to take over his kingdom; to do so, she made plans with King Kamsa to give lavish gifts and gain his trust. Though Vasudeva gained it eventually, the Almighty had other plans. Soon after their marriage, there was another plot against both of them by Devaki, who tried to seduce Vasudeva into marrying her instead of Kamsa, after which something horrible occurred, which resulted in his death.

Fortune-teller predicted that King Kamsa would be killed by one of Devaki’s children. When this news reached him, King Kamsa was shocked and raised his sword to kill His sister. Still, King Vasudev begged Kamsa not to kill Devaki instantly, as King Vasudev had previously promised that any offspring from Kamsa and Devaki would die.

As soon as they were pregnant, Kamsa didn’t kill Devaki but instead imprisoned Vasudeva and Devaki; according to Vasudeva’s promise, when their child was born, it would be given to King Kamsa. King Vasudeva would murder their offspring with extreme cruelty; Devaki gave birth to eight angelic offspring. When King Vasudeva awakened, he heard and saw Lord Vishnu’s voice and bright light enveloping the room.

Vasudeva was guided by Lord Vishnu to bring Lord Krishna across, placing him into Nandraj and Yashodha’s household, tribe leaders for Gopis. However, during this journey, Vasudeva faced many difficulties along his journey. Vasudeva carried Lord Krishna across the river on a cane basket and placed Him according to Nandraja’s orders in Nandraja’s house, following Nanda’s instructions. Nanda then received their daughters in exchange.

Kamsa dashed immediately to the prison when he heard Devaki had given birth, discovering it was a girl. Devaki begged Kamsa not to kill the baby according to a prophecy that predicted its son would kill Kamsa. Yet, Kamsa lifted and caressed the infant with no concern for its discomfort – as soon as Kamsa approached, its crying turned into screaming shrieks of agony and full-on sobs from its screaming victim.

Goddess Durga warned Kamsa that his time would soon end and that his end had already arrived, warning Kamsa of Kamsa’s punishment for crimes committed and promising that Kamsa would quickly pay. Shortly after speaking these words, Goddess Durga vanished. Kanha, or Lord Krishna, was raised by Nandraja and Yashodha in Gokul, far from Mathura’s chaos. Following Krishna’s pastimes, Gokula and Balrama, his brothers, killed Kamsa, who had an arrogant nature.


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