Mark These Words, You Should Never Use in Flight or Airport

In Flight Don’t Use These Words: In aviation and air travel, certain words and phrases are avoided or restricted to prevent misunderstandings or confusion, especially over radio communication.

These words are considered sensitive and could be misinterpreted, leading to potential safety hazards.

A Bomb On An Aircraft Is A Situation That Is Out Of Control

It is important to grasp the seriousness of the situation. A plane in the air with its doors closed is a volatile environment from a security perspective.

There is virtually nothing that can be done to prevent a security breach, such as a terrorist or bomb, from occurring. Negotiations and hoping for the best are the only options.

The many hijackings around the world have shown this. The need of the hour is to stop ANY security lapse.

When a security guard hears the words BOMB or EXPLODE, he will immediately start to follow all of his training. He’s doing his job both for you and me.

Your Joke Isn’t Funny If It Only Delays A Flight Or Gets You Arrested

My friends know me as fairly open-minded. I am a big fan of freedom of speech and expression.

Given our past experiences with air travel and that 2017 isn’t a safe year for the world, I ask you to give up your right to use words such as BOMB on an aeroplane. The model is from India.

  • A delayed flight can lead to other delayed flights.
  • The airline’s performance in terms of on-time delivery (OTP).
  • The model could face 3 years in jail.
  • Some passengers may have missed their connections.

The Words You Should Never Use On A Flight During A Journey

Certain words and phrases should be avoided on flights due to safety issues or possible misunderstandings. Here are a few of them:

  • Any threats of violence, including bombing or explosions: Even if the words are meant to be a joke, crew members will take them seriously and may have serious consequences.
  • Aeroplane bombing threat
  • Intoxicated or drunk: A crew member may refuse you boarding if they suspect you of being under the influence.
  • Smoking: Smoking on flights is strictly prohibited.
  • Hijack. Jie Ji (jilapi in Mandarin) or any other similar terms. These can be misinterpreted as a bomb threat.
  • Medical emergencies: It is important to alert the crew if you have any medical problems, but avoid using graphic or dramatic language.
  • Bomb
  • Hijack
  • Gun
  • Hostage
  • Kidnap
  • Explosive
  • Threat
  • Suicide
  • Kill
  • Murder

Remember that everyone’s safety and security is our top priority. Even jokingly using these words can cause unnecessary panic, putting yourself and others in danger. It’s best to avoid saying something if you’re unsure whether it is appropriate.

Airport Passengers! 5 Things You Should Never Do at The Airport

Airports can be stressful, especially for those who are travelling alone or first-time travellers. You might end up feeling more anxious and confused if you listen to everyone else’s advice.

You might wonder if the baggage handlers won’t find my luggage?’ or -‘ What if my bag is opened by security?’ or -‘What if I won’t make it to my boarding gate in time?’

These thoughts are common. What not to do in airports should be the primary concern. We have put together a list that will help you to relax and enjoy your trip. Continue reading.

Don’t Get Drunk!

Let’s put our holiday spirit aside and practise self-control with alcohol until you reach your destination. You may be tempted to drink a few drinks in your holiday spirit, but staying alert is more important.

It is better to have a clear mind so you can deal with any last-minute gate changes or flight delays than a dizzy ride through the airport.

Do not Snore Your Glory Away

You are tired from the flight in the morning or at night. Your brain is always telling you to stay awake, but your heart wants a floating nap. Do not let your heart win. Keep your eyes open, or you may miss the flight.

Do Not Ignore Your Luggage

Unattended baggage is one of the stupidest things you can do in an airport. It is not just an inconvenience to you, but also for other passengers.

You could end up in jail if you find something illegal in your bag (slipped in by someone else).

Be Careful With Your Language, Mr.

Today, the travel world is under a variety of threats, including hijackings, bombs and explosions, terrorism, etc. We must choose our words carefully at airports in such a situation.

Do not use words such as ‘blow-up,’ “hijack,” or “bomb” when you’re at the airport’s check-in desk or screening area. You could be sent to jail if you do this.

Don’t Lose your Cool!

It is possible to lose your temper at an airport. It is unacceptable to be rude or disrespectful towards airport staff.

It is annoying to have flight delays, expensive snacks, and long security lines, but they are not at fault. Aggression towards staff is not acceptable. Avoid it!

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