Ram Lalla Face at the Ayodhya Ram Janmabhoomi temple was revealed on Friday. The picture, reportedly released by the Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP), shows Ram Lalla in a standing posture, holding a golden bow and arrow. The first image of the Ram Lalla idol became public just three days before the ‘pran pratishtha’ ceremony on January 22.
Another picture was released earlier in the day, wherein the statue carved in black stone could be seen with its eyes covered with a yellow cloth. It’s adorned with a garland of roses, Sharad Sharma, an office-bearer of the VHP told PTI.
The 51-inch idol of Lord Ram as a child was brought to the temple on Wednesday night. The idol was sculpted by Mysuru-based sculptor Arun Yogiraj.
The new idol of Lord Ram was placed in the sanctum sanctorum or ‘Garbha Griha’ of the Ram Janmabhoomi temple on Thursday afternoon. This was done amid the chanting of prayers, according to the Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra trust.
“Ramlalla has been installed in the temple. All arrangements, including that of infrastructure, medical facilities and medicines have been made,” Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak was quoted by PTI as saying.
The inauguration ceremony at the Ram temple is set to be held on January 22. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and several other invitees will attend the January 22 event. The temple is expected to be opened to the public the next day.
Temple trust general secretary Champat Rai had told reporters on Monday that the consecration ceremony will begin at 12:20 pm and is expected to be completed by 1 pm on January 22.
Rituals leading to the consecration ceremony began at the temple on Tuesday and will continue for seven days. Ayodhya, the birthplace of Lord Ram, holds great spiritual, historical and cultural significance for the people of India.
In preparation for the ceremony and the anticipated influx of devotees, Ayodhya’s Health Department has ramped up its arrangements. Dr Sanjay Jain, Chief Medical Officer of Ayodhya, announced the setup of first aid units at 16 key locations, along with two hospitals equipped with necessary medical facilities, including oxygen and nebulizers.
Additionally, 40 ambulances will be stationed at various locations, and 190 beds have been reserved for emergencies in local hospitals. These comprehensive preparations ensure the smooth conduct of the historic consecration ceremony and the safety and well-being of the attending devotees.