G20 Summit 2023: an Overview

“India’s G20 Presidency will work to promote this universal sense of one-ness. Hence our theme – ‘One Earth, One Family, One Future”Prime Minister Narendra Modi

India will mark a historic event when it assumes the G20 presidency from Indonesia on December 1, 2022. India as both an established democracy and a fast-growing economy, will play an essential role in building on previous G20 presidencies’ achievements. Indian Presidency will focus on creating a shared global future through the Amrit Kaal Initiative with the LiFE Movement as its focal point, advocating environmentally conscious practices and sustainable living through development plans that align with its development-oriented strategy. Two hundred events leading up to the 2023 Summit are anticipated to strengthen India’s agenda and six themes of its G20 Presidency.

G20 Summit Effect on India GDP

The G20 group was first formed by 19 countries plus the EU in 1999 as an international forum for Finance Ministers and Central Bank governors to discuss economic and financial matters at an international level. Collectively, these G20 countries represent nearly two-thirds of the world population, 75% of global trade volume and 85% of GDP; as the global economic and financial crisis of 2007 deepened, the G20 became the premier forum for international economic cooperation.

The G20 can be divided into two tracks: the Finance Track (which comprises finance ministers and governors of central banks) and the Sherpa Track. G20 member nations appoint Sherpas as personal envoys to lead proceedings of the group and form working groups within each track to discuss specific issues among relevant parties.

This year, working groups will prioritize global issues like green development and climate finance, inclusive growth, the digital economy, public services transformations, technology transformations and reforms that empower women for socio-economic advancement. All of this action is taken to further progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals and ensure a better tomorrow for future generations.

India’s G20 Presidency

India to Host the G20 Leaders’ Summit: For the first time ever, India will host the G20 Leaders’ Summit in 2023 for the first time ever. 43 Heads-of-Delegation – more than ever before at any G20 Summit – will attend in September at its final New Delhi summit later this year. India prides itself on multilateralism and democracy, and this Presidency marks a historic moment as it attempts to find practical solutions to global problems that benefit everyone involved.

The G20 Summit takes place annually with a rotating presidency, and India will hold this position from 2023-2024. As there is no permanent secretariat within the group itself, support from previous, current, and future holders (known as “troika”) of the Presidency (Indonesia, Brazil and India in 2023) serves as needed.

The Summit will mark the culmination of meetings that occurred throughout the year, including those hosted by Bengaluru (India), Chandigarh (India), Chennai, Guwahati (India), Jodhpur, Khajuraho(Kathmandu), Kolkata, Lucknow Mumbai/Pune Rann Kutch/Surat Thiruvananthapuram/Udaipur and Udaipur are among those likely to host meetings between December 2022 and February 2023.

Vasudhaivakutumbakam, “One Earth, One Family, One Future,” is India’s G20 Presidency theme and draws heavily upon an ancient Sanskrit text, Maha Upanishad. This emphasizes how all living things – humans, animals, plants and microorganisms alike – depend upon each other here on Earth and throughout space and the universe. Life (Lifestyles for Environment), an environmental sustainability program implemented across national borders and personally, promotes responsible choices that consider environmental benefits by individuals at both national and individual levels.

The G20 presidency marks the launch of Amritkaal, 25 years, beginning with India’s 75th independence anniversary on August 15, 2020, and culminating with celebrations for its centennial independence anniversary on August 15, 2040.

India’s G20: Priorities

Green Development, Climate Finance & LiFE

  • India focuses its energy efforts on climate change mitigation with particular emphasis on technology and climate finance, as well as on transitions towards energy sources for developing nations.
  • Life Movement promotes eco-conscious practices rooted in India’s ancient sustainable traditions.

Accelerated, Inclusive & Resilient Growth

Focus on areas that could bring about structural transformation, such as supporting small and mid-sized businesses in global trade, advocating for labor rights and welfare issues and closing the global skill gap.

Accelerating Progress Towards SDGs

Commitment to reaching the targets outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with particular regard to its effects, particularly COVID-19.

Technological Transformation and Digital Public Infrastructure

We are promoting human-centric technology solutions and expanding knowledge sharing, particularly regarding digital public infrastructures, financial inclusion and tech-enabled developments within agriculture and education sectors.

Multilateral Institutions in the 21st Century

Reform of multilateralism and developing an international relations system that is more representative, accountable and inclusive are underway to face the challenges of the 21st Century.

Women-Led Development

To meet SDGs and foster socio-economic development, an emphasis must be placed on inclusive development with women’s empowerment and representation at its center.

On September 9 and 10, the two-day Delhi G20 Summit will commence in Pragati Maidan’s Bharat Mandapam, inviting heads of state and governments as well as distinguished delegates from G20 member nations, distinguished guests and guests – such as US President Joe Biden, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau and Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud to name just some.

This Summit promises to be an essential forum for international discussions; notable attendees such as US President Joe Biden and UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and notable guests such as US President Joe Biden amongst notable attendees such as US President Joe Biden and UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, as well as Canadian PM Justin Trudeau and Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.

Delhi G20 Summit, 2023

Delhi will welcome world leaders for two productive discussions, debates, and collaboration days as the G20 Summit draws nearer. Preparations have included closing government offices, educational institutions and traffic restrictions to create a conducive atmosphere during this important event that will promote global policy advancement and address urgent issues.

As we prepare to welcome world leaders and dignitaries for the G20 Summit this September in India’s capital city, Delhi Traffic Police issued an advisory containing important details that can ensure its success and ensure it runs smoothly for locals and visitors alike. Be mindful of these items to successfully navigate this important period!

Delhi G20 Summit: Overview

  • Date and Location for Delhi G20 Summit: The summit will occur at Bharat Mandapam in Pragati Maidan on September 9, 2012.
  • At the Summit will be numerous notable guests, such as heads of state and government representatives and invited delegates.

Preparations and Impact for Delhi G20 Summit 2023

  • Closure of Government Offices and Educational Institutions: As part of preparations for this Summit in Delhi, the government issued an order to close all offices and educational establishments within its boundaries in order to facilitate its smooth running. This measure ensured a successful event.
  • Enhancing Security: To ensure participants and residents remain safe during the Summit, security has been significantly heightened in the city.
  • Traffic Restrictions: To ensure security and manage traffic flow during the Summit, major restrictions have been placed on traffic in order to manage its flow and ensure its security.

Delhi G20 Summit 2023 Guests

  • G20 Summit 2023 in Delhi Will Include US President Joe Biden. US President Joe Biden will attend the G20 Summit as an authoritative representative from one of the most powerful economies globally, representing his influential position within this organization.
  • Rishi Sunak will be attending the Summit as one of its prominent leaders.
  • Justin Trudeau will also attend.
  • Fumio Kishida of Japan: His presence enriches Summit discussions.
  • Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud underlines the significance of this Summit on an international stage by participating.

Summit G20 Traffic Restrictions and Accessibility

  • New Delhi will become a restricted zone beginning the night of September 7 for the Summit, as will New Delhi District (where entry and exit restrictions will also take effect).
  • New Delhi: On September 8, all establishments, including offices, restaurants and malls, will be closed; additionally, the Supreme Court will remain closed that day.
  • Residents will have free access to enter and leave the area; those from outside will require special passes.

Delhi 2023 Summit G20 Vehicle Regulations

  • Diversions for Non-Intended Vehicles:  Any vehicles not intended for Delhi will be directed onto Eastern or Western Peripheral Expressways or alternate routes and prohibited from entering.
  • Goods Vehicles:  Heavy and light goods vehicles will only be allowed into Delhi if they carry essential products like milk, vegetables, fruits, or medical supplies.
  • Metro and Bus Services: Metro and bus services will be provided during the Summit; however, certain restrictions will apply.
  • Emergency Services: Medical ambulances will continue their normal service at the Summit. At the same time, an ambulance control room dedicated solely to it will also remain active.


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