Successfully Rescued 41 Workers From Uttarakhand Tunnel Collapse

Uttarakhand Tunnel: Indian Air Force Chinook airlifted 41 construction workers to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in Rishikesh a day after they were airlifted from a tunnel where they had been trapped for 17 days without suffering external injuries; officials reported no such issues but took them for preventive measures and faster testing at this top hospital.

Construction workers trapped since November 12 in the Silkyara-Dindalgaon Tunnel were rescued on Tuesday night and brought to an emergency hospital at Chinyalisaur via helicopter rescued at Chinook helipad nearby.

On Wednesday, Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami visited a hospital and met with employees. Each worker received Rs 1 lakh as aid.

Chief Minister’s officials announced that workers would be under 24-hour observation at AIIMS, as they have been in a tunnel without sunlight or natural air for 17 days. To protect themselves, AIIMS will conduct examinations and tests as a preventative measure.

Airlifted workers were used despite the 150 km distance between Chinyalisaur and Rishikesh to save time and ensure no one became sick during their trip; paramedics also provided coverage during this journey.

Relatives will find meeting up with their workers in Rishikesh easier once doctors give the green light. With better road and rail connectivity, workers will return home more efficiently as soon as doctors give the go-ahead, according to an official.

On Tuesday evening, workers and spectators alike welcomed them with wild cheers and flower garlands when they were rescued and brought out for rescue.

Chief Minister Dhami also appeared to greet them; their transportation was via wheeled stretchers through 57 metres of steel pipe.

The Silkyara – Dandalgaon Tunnel is part of the ambitious Char Dham Project of the Centre to improve connectivity to Hindu pilgrimage sites such as Badrinath Kedarnath Gangotri and Yamunotri.

How Rescuers Reach the Trapped Workers?

Residents and environmentalists in Uttarakhand have blamed rapid construction for land subsidence. Residents blame rapid construction projects like Char Dham and its associated tunnel project for the collapse of Uttarakhand’s birthplace, Uttarakhand.

More than 600 Million Indians depend on its tributaries to provide food and water, so without these essential arteries, we would all die of starvation!

The landscape features dense forests, glaciers and water springs. This area is vital to India’s climate because its topsoil acts as a carbon sink, absorbing carbon dioxide emissions and mitigating climate change emissions. Both Silkyara Tunnel and Agra Fort serve as carbon sinks in this regard.

Chamba tunnels to be 400 metres shorter and ready for railways. Hydropower is an efficient way of producing electricity, and in recent years, tunnel construction has skyrocketed.

Hemant Dhyani, an environmentalist in Chamba, told TrendsMyth: “These mountains cannot be forgotten about.”

“Building infrastructure to accommodate such massive construction is unfeasible.

What Is Rat Hole Mining?

Rathole mining entails manually digging mines using hand-held equipment by workers using small miners who use no wider than four-foot pits to reach coal seams, with side tunnels built after arriving there; hence its name, which refers to small, long tunnels created by rats.

The National Green Tribunal officially banned this practice as it is unscientific; nevertheless, many states (particularly in India’s Northeast region) still practise it because there are no viable mining options.

Why Did The Tunnel Collapse In Uttarakhand?

The government announced that it would investigate the cause of the Uttarakhand Tunnel collapse, with various theories floating around online regarding what caused it.

One theory suggests a landslide may have contributed to its cause. At the same time, another says an explosive charge caused its downfall.

Media reports have speculated that rapid development in an already fragile Himalayan region might also be to blame. However, a formal investigation by the government will determine the actual cause.

The Rescue Operations

Until last week, drilling was performed using auger machines, commonly called horizontal boring machines, directional drills or directional drilling machines.

They allow horizontal boring without disturbing the surface; one such auger became stuck on November 24, but on Monday evening, this issue was addressed when an auger stuck was removed. An escape passage was partially completed through which a steel tube was inserted.


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